High-dose vitamin D supplementation reduces disease activity in clinically isolated syndrome typical of MS, results of a ...
"It was important to conduct a large randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of high-dose cholecalciferol as ...
When it comes to the complete well-being of the human body, vitamin D plays a crucial role. It keeps the bones healthy and ...
Excessive vitamin D levels can disrupt calcium balance, leading to nausea and frequent vomiting. If you often feel queasy or ...
A new study published in the journal of Cardiology in the Young showed that although vitamin D deficiency is frequent and associated with decreased exercise capacity in coronary heart ...
Consequently, researchers and healthcare professionals have focused on preventive strategies aimed at reducing skin cancer ...
An 8-week weight loss and lifestyle intervention improved vitamin D levels up to 6 months after treatment among men with OSA and high BMI.
Boost your vitamin D intake with mushrooms! Know how these vitamin D-rich fungi can help combat calcium deficiency. Learn the ...
Discover essential tips to safely increase your Vitamin D intake, ensuring strong bones and a robust immune system without ...
A systematic review of more than 700 studies explored the potential benefits of vitamin D supplementation in the oncologic setting.
Iron supplements are particularly infamous for causing constipation, nausea, and stomach pain. Vitamin C in high doses can ...
Can vitamin A and cod liver oil prevent measles? Medical experts debunk myths and answer common questions about the health benefits and risks of the supplements.