White House backs a CRA resolution to repeal the IRS DeFi Broker Rule, citing compliance burdens. Senate vote set to decide ...
Republican Senator Ted Cruz is leading an effort to overturn an Inernal Revenue Service (IRS) rule that mandates DeFi brokers ...
Melania Trump has made a rare appearance to urge lawmakers to crack down on so-called 'revenge porn' by making it a federal ...
Cruz left no doubt about his red line when it came to conditions for any end to the war in Ukraine, demanding any outcome result in “a clear loss for Russia.” ...
In a TruthSocial post Monday, President Donald Trump told American farmers that they should "get ready" to sell agricultural ...
Two parents who lost their child during the 2018 Parkland school shooting are continuing their fight against gun violence - ...
The roundtable included testimony from victims and advocates, but notably, key Democrats who sponsored the legislation were not in attendance.
Melania Trump spoke on Capitol Hill on Monday, February 3, in a roundtable with lawmakers and victims of revenge porn and ...
The first lady expressed disappointment about the lack of Democrats in attendance at Monday's "Take it Down Act" roundtable.
First Lady Melania Trump was sat next to Senator Ted Cruz to campaign against 'abusive behavior online', years after Donald ...
First lady Melania Trump took a swipe at Democratic lawmakers for their low attendance at a roundtable on deepfakes and ...
First lady Melania Trump lobbied on Monday for the bill, which is created to protect people from having sexually explicit ...