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In the autumn semester of 2024, seven PhD students from our partner university Universidad Mayor de San Simón in Bolivia will visit the School of Global Studies. During their visit, several research ...
Anton Shumeika graduated in 2012 from the Software Engineering and Management programme in Gothenburg and today he works as… Verena Schödl took on project management and communication at Volvo Cars ...
Hem Aktuellt Hitta evenemang Elin Gustafsson - The impact of social determinants of health on childhood cancer survival and survivorship ...
To help those who want to find relevant articles written by GPCC-researchers we have created a database consisting of peer-reviewed publications from the year 2010 until July 2024 using an affiliation ...
I ett samarbete mellan GPCC och SKR har behovet av verktyg för att öka personcentrering inom hälso- och sjukvård identifierats. Samtal och dialog är en central del av ”görandet” - att arbeta ...
Alla inkluderade publikationer (570) är kodade under referenstyp som antingen Empirisk, Teoretisk eller som en Översiktsartikel/review (dessa tre koder är ömsesidigt uteslutande). Alla empiriska ...
In 2024-2025, the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research is organising a series of discussions on the conditions for research. The aim is to provide a forum for knowledge development, exchange of ...
Welcome to a seminar where Ann Phoenix, Professor of Psychosocial Studies at University College London, presents and discusses her research. The event is part of the general seminar at the department ...
Seminar with CCHS guest researcher Marzia Varutti, Research Fellow, Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland. Ever since Renaissance Cabinets of Curiosity, museums have been ...
Half Time Seminar at the Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy.
Welcome to this seminar where Jean de Dieu AMINI NGABONZIZA, from the University of Rwanda, presents his ongoing work on developing an interactive map of Kigali city, Rwanda. This talk presents ...