France on Monday joined major segments of the international community in expressing concern about Venezuela’s military incursion of Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone. France also urged ...
Long-serving member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Amna Ally resigned from that political party, saying that a number women was recently verbally abused in the presence of ...
The United States (US) says Guyana’s decision to install American-made scanner technology at its ports would help bolster the  South American nation’s security and contribute to ...
Shipping Association of Guyana says incident posed “direct threat” to maritime, oil and gas sectors Despite international condemnation of Venezuela’s military incursion ...
Shipping Association of Guyana says incident posed “direct threat” to maritime, oil and gas sectors Despite international condemnation of Venezuela’s military incursion to Guyana’s exclusive economic ...
Guyana’s President, Irfaan Ali on Saturday said his country has put its international partners on standby after a Venezuelan military patrol vessel informed floating production storage and ...
By GHK Lall Straight in the face: in reading and absorbing how US chief executive, Donald Trump, dealt so thoughtfully with Ukraine’s chief, Volodymyr Zelensky, a wave of shuddering washes over my ...
As a Venezuelan military patrol was up to late Saturday leaving Guyana’s waters after entering the Stabroek Block where production and drill-ships were located, the 15-natipon ...
Guyana’s President, Irfaan Ali on Saturday said his country has put its international partners on standby after a Venezuelan military patrol vessel informed floating production storage and offloading ...
State Department on Saturday warned Venezuela that if its military threats against ExxonMobil’s Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel and ...
The driver of a Toolsie Persaud Limited lorry is expected to be charged in connection with the death of pedestrian after he walked into the path of the vehicle on the Bagotstown Public Road, East ...
Leaders of the 15-nation Caribbean Community (CARICOM) have expressed “grave concern” about Venezuela’s plans to hold gubernatorial and legislative council elections in ...