2月19日, “法度law” 独家披露,电影《美人鱼》“郑总”扮演者郑某峰在海南招募演员时,涉嫌猥亵儿童被警方刑事拘留一事。据“澎湃新闻”跟进报道,警方目前已报检察院拟对郑某峰进行批准逮捕。
“过去十多年来,独立拍摄是我的安身立命之本,也是我飘零于这个危险而动荡的世界中所能抓住的最后一根稻草。对我来说,透过深入现实、立足于事件现场,进行及时而细致的拍摄纪录,既能对抗极权,同时也能化解自己内心时不时升腾起来的抑郁和绝望。” ...
随着各大平台高调宣布要为骑手缴纳“五险一金”,社保的事暂时偃旗息鼓。 但另一条重要新闻似乎被热点掩盖了,即美团开始在某些地区试点“超时配送免罚款”新规,乍一看似乎是善举,最终效果如何?需要深入分析和推演。
Following increased attention to Southeast Asia’s online scam industry, especially since the high-profile abduction and rescue of Chinese actor Wang Xing from a compound on the Myanmar-Thailand border ...
Netizens first coined the term “Fifty Cent Party” to refer to undercover Internet commentators paid by the government to sway public opinion (“fifty cents” is a reference to the alleged ...
Young, nationalistic netizen who attacks the social media accounts of people perceived to have slighted China, typically as part of a large "expedition" across the Great Firewall to Facebook.
The Milk Tea Alliance is an online solidarity movement between pro-democracy supporters in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, and Myanmar. It was started in 2020 by activists involved in social ...