The driver of a BMW that crashed into a Toyota Camry is charged with two counts of aggravated manslaughter and a host of ...
An unlicensed teen driver who hit 118 mph faces two counts of aggravated manslaughter after crashing into a vehicle crossing ...
A juvenile driver has been charged with multiple felonies, including aggravated manslaughter, after a high-speed police chase ...
A house in Toms River that sold for $1.5 million tops the list of the most expensive residential real estate sales in Toms ...
The first week of the striped bass season is in the books and anglers found fishing willing to bite in Toms River ...
Toms River, NJ, boasts a diverse and vibrant food scene, offering everything from indulgent Italian classics to creative ...
The back of the book revealed it was borrowed in March of 1926 and designated for return by the end of the month ...
If you are a Mexican food lover, you must have heard about all the chatter about the new location for an amazing Mexican food ...
Cameron Estok and Alen Grigorian each had a goal to help third-seeded Marlboro shut out second-seeded Toms River East, No. 16 ...