The Vatican has not announced Pope Francis is resigning, contrary to online claims. Further, his successor would be elected ...
The Vatican has detailed laws and rituals to ensure the transfer of power when a pope dies or resigns, but not when he is ...
Francis' papacy has been historic. He embraced the marginalized in ways that no pope had done before. He not only deepened ...
Who leads the Catholic Church when the Pope is sick? - Nothing has changed in his status, role or power since Francis was ...
The process of selecting a new Pope has become a matter of interest for many people. In the Catholic church, anyone who is a ...
And there are no specific norms outlining what happens to the leadership of the Catholic Church if a pope becomes totally incapacitated. As a result, even though Pope Francis remains ...
Pope spends third night on ventilator as he battles pneumonia - Ceremonies marking the start of Lent have gone ahead without ...
Pope Francis increased his physical activity Wednesday, called the Catholic parish priest in Gaza and celebrated the start of ...