A mechanism for metabolic disease is traced to a defective cellular scaffolding that holds together the brain’s hunger cells.
A new study has uncovered significant differences in how male and female mice process threats, even as they exhibit similar ...
The brain’s response to unpleasant or painful experiences, including withdrawal from the often-addictive painkillers called ...
A study published in ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science indicated that long-term THC treatment can initially enhance ...
Neuroscientists have uncovered how sensory input is transformed into motor action across multiple brain regions in mice.
Neuroscientists have revealed how sensory input is transformed into motor action across multiple brain regions in mice.
Efavirenz is an important drug for treating HIV infection, but it has negative effects that can significantly impact patients ...
An experimental cancer drug that helps the brain turn glucose into energy was able to reverse memory loss in a mouse model of ...
Scientists have zeroed in on brain circuitry powering the desire of spiny mice to live in large groups, opening the door to a ...
One of the lasting impacts of the pandemic, researchers say, is the way it physically changed our brains, and studies show ...
A biologist with the US government's research and development arm is working on a radical new approach to anti-aging ...