Congress has less than two weeks to extend a federal funding deadline, but lawmakers are arguing over whether the White House ...
PHOENIX – President Donald Trump's senior aides and allies lashed out at Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy from Washington ...
Bresnahan and two other Pennsylvania Republicans won in November by some of the smallest margins in all of Congress, ...
The entrepreneurs behind the retailers George Gregory in Corktown and Detroit Vs. Everybody say one thing is for sure: Retail is ever evolving.
Sen. Jim Runestad was voted in at the MIGOP convention last weekend. He says there’s work to be done building bridges between ...
Yet in polling, his group has found that years of climate change-focused messaging has turned off many voters to EVs, and that angles like jobs and competing with China haven't broken through yet.
A Michigan Court of Claims judge ruled Thursday nine stalled bills — passed in the previous legislative session but never ...
Detroit flood victims asked to sign waiver before repairs, raising concerns. GM funds Detroit job training for EV industry ...
Michigan Rep. Josh Schriver said he plans to introduce a resolution to urge the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn same-sex ...
Democratic political consultant Mark Grebner says his party needs to adopt a system that uses social connections, not ...
Jackson Republicans say they saw their party coming back together at last weekend's state party convention after recent divisions over leadership issues...and President Trump.
Michigan Republicans gathered in Detroit on Saturday to elect a new chair who will lead the party into the 2026 midterms in the battleground state, when several ...