If you lose your job while pregnant, should you also lose your health insurance? A new Tennessee bill says no—and it’s about ...
Trump’s FBI and DOJ dropped several ongoing investigations into threats against abortion clinics and issued a new memo ...
The bill would officially declare June, July, and August to be the months to celebrate Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of ...
Though in the bottom half of U.S. states, Tennessee ranked well in the best states for women survey compared to many other ...
North Dakota and Tennessee have passed similar laws in recent years with support from the anti-abortion group that makes the ...
The Biden administration clarified that EMTALA requires hospitals to perform abortions when they are the necessary treatment ...
The resolution would designate June 2025 specifically as “Nuclear Family Month” in Tennessee—but June is also Pride Month.
The bill would specifically allow abortion care if physicians determine that fetuses would not survive outside the womb and ...
Two Tennessee Republican lawmakers are supporting a measure that would enable physicians to perform abortions involving ...