The Karolinska Neuroimmunology & Multiple Sclerosis (KNIMS) network is a collective of neurological clinical and preclinical research scientists working actively to: (1) provide first-class medical ...
On this page we present research groups and units in otorhinolaryngology (diseases of the ear, nose, and throat), audiology, and logopaedics (speech disorders) at Karolinska Institutet. The list is ...
The Division of Translational Microbiome Research and Pandemic Preparedness focus on the impact of the microbiome on human health and disease. Exploration of the human microbiome combined with ...
quantitative job-exposure matrix (JEM) for occupational heat stress providing estimates of annual hours of wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) reference value exceedance by job, geographical region and ...
KI Biobank Core Facility assists researchers with advice on how to start a sample collection, how the specimen should be collected and labeled, and what legal requirements must be met in order to be ...
The general airborne infectious agents JEM aimed to assess the risk of being infected by infectious agents through airborne or droplet transmission in an occupational setting, that might lead to a ...
Papp O; Jordán V; Hetey S; Balázs R; Kaszás V; Bartha Á; Ordasi NN; Kamp S; Farkas B; Mettetal J; Dry JR; Young D; Sidders B; Bulusu KC; Veres DV ...
Lung cancer is the fifth most common kind of cancer in Sweden and strikes far fewer than half as many people every year as prostate cancer or breast cancer, which top the list. In spite of this, lung ...
StratRegen Seminar Series 2025 StratRegen Grants StratRegen retreat 2024 Research Groups within Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine Senior Grants 2023-2024 Core facilities at Karolinska Institutet ...
Staff members in alphabetical order.
Ett hållbart arbetsliv innebär deltagande på arbetsmarknaden, det vill säga frånvaro av längre perioder av arbetslöshet, rehabilitering, sjukskrivning, sjuk- eller aktivitetsersättning. Bristande ...
MPFL - Long-term follow-up after treatment of acute first-time patellar dislocation in children Children with a first-time patellar dislocation often have a high risk of recurrence. This is a ...